Recent content by Bulldog Wrestler

  1. Bulldog Wrestler

    Dad jokes

    Sorry I'm late. I sat on my bed in a robe for 30 minutes scrolling on my phone.
  2. Bulldog Wrestler

    Dad jokes

    What’s made of leather and sounds like a sneeze? A shoe.
  3. Bulldog Wrestler

    Dad jokes

    My wife has like 20% of a conversation in her head before she decides to bring me into it. We can be driving in silence and she'll just be like "and then we'll pick the kids up and go straight from there."
  4. Bulldog Wrestler

    Dad jokes

    Having a little nap on the sofa before taking myself up to bed for my main sleep. I call that a snors d'oeuvre.
  5. Bulldog Wrestler

    Dad jokes

    What do you call a detective who just solves cases accidentally? Sheer Luck Holmes.
  6. Bulldog Wrestler

    Dad jokes

    Helium walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve noble gases here.” Helium doesn’t react.
  7. Bulldog Wrestler

    Dad jokes

    What do you call a walking mosquito? An itch-hiker.
  8. Bulldog Wrestler

    Dad jokes

    Just got fired from my job as a set designer. I left without making a scene
  9. Bulldog Wrestler

    Dad jokes

    I tried a non-alcoholic beer last night and I think I have discovered what my favorite ingredient in beer is.
  10. Bulldog Wrestler

    Dad jokes

    I met a girl who runs a battery kiosk in the local park. So basically, she sells C cells by the seesaw.
  11. Bulldog Wrestler

    Dad jokes

    Marvin Gaye used to keep a sheep in his vineyard. He'd herd it through the grapevine.
  12. Bulldog Wrestler

    The Funny Picture/Meme Thread

  13. Bulldog Wrestler

    The Funny Picture/Meme Thread

  14. Bulldog Wrestler

    The Funny Picture/Meme Thread

  15. Bulldog Wrestler

    The Funny Picture/Meme Thread
