News O’Neill backs Westfields to win NSW Schoolboy title


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Oct 1, 2013
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He might be finished with the HSC, but Westfields halfback Joseph O’Neill has one more test to take — the NRL Schoolboy Cup NSW final.
The Year 12 student is busy preparing to battle Patrician Brothers Blacktown on Wednesday and he is confident that Westfields can retain the NSW title.

“They’re big, strong and fast. It’ll be a good game. We’ve versed them the past three years, we know what to expect from them,” O’Neill said.

“We know we can beat them, just like we did last year. We’ve got a new team this year, we’ve got to play to our strengths, but I know that we can beat them.”

Westfields have made the national final three of the past four years.

O’Neill, in his third and final year playing schoolboy footy, wants to inspire younger players the same way that Westfields alumni once inspired him.

“A couple of years ago, we had a team with Tommy Talau, Jake Averillo, Brandon Wakeham and Jason Saab,” O’Neill said.

“I was in Year 10 and I got to train with them, it was so good, they were freaks. Then to watch them play as part of the crowd was unreal,

“You learn heaps from even just being there, watching them play”

Westfields coach Troy Weeden praised the young halfback — who plays SG Ball for the Bulldogs — for his attitude.

“He trains hard, we have an optional kicking session on a Friday and I don’t remember him ever missing one. He shows up every week,” Weeden said.

“And he’s growing as a player. It’s his third year in that Schoolboy Cup side and he’s learning now that he’s got to be that dominant half, because the previous two years, he’s had an older half beside him. He showed his best in the semi final where he grew a bit of a leg.”

O’Neill expects the final to be tough — especially coming up against Patties’ halves Jakob Arthur and Isaiya Katoa.

“We versed Jake last year, I was up against him, it’s always a good battle against him, he’s all class,” O’Neill said.

“They controlled their game well last week to get the win. We’ll have to make sure we know where they are and shut them down.”

Whatever happens on Wednesday, O’Neill said he feels fortunate to play four games for Westfields in 2020.

“(Schoolboy Cup) is one of the only things us boys have been looking forward to all year, it’s one of the reasons we go to school and love doing so,” O’Neill said.

“You don’t realise how good it is until you’re finishing, you can’t describe it. You look around and you see your mates, it’s the best feeling in the world.”


National titles
: 1

NSW titles: 3

Notable NRL alumni: David Klemmer, Moses Suli, Jarryd Hayne, Issac Luke, David Fifita, Tommy Talau, Brandon Wakeham, Jason Saab, Blake Green, Tony Williams.

2020 tries: 7

2020 try scorers: Carson Kaho, Caleb Kirikiti, Semisi-Taufui Lavulo, Caleb Tohi, Solomone Saukuru, Ashton Kolinisau, Justin Matamua.



Kennel Addict
Aug 15, 2014
Reaction score
Who won?? Wasn’t it played today