Rumour Buzz’s highlights, lowlights: Roosters eye shock signing, Choc’s latest Covidiot act, Burgess warning


Kennel Immortal
Nov 23, 2007
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Vaccinations can work, but they should be fully tested first. The people in power & the media have scared people silly over this COVID-19 which have a survivability rate of over 99%. The shutting down of treatments that work, like Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine that have proven more effective against COVID than the vaccine & with little or no side affects, is criminal. Also the shutting down of any speech with views differing from the people in power even from World renowned virologists & front line doctors is an utter disgrace.

The people in power need to explain their actions rather than just say trust us & let other experts debate them. If they are right, they shouldn't be afraid to debate. Throwing out the pandemic playbook is another error & is causing unnecessary mistakes to be made. They have told so many lies & not abided by their own policies which leads me to distrust them.

They are calling this a vaccine but they have had to change the definition of what a vaccine is to fit it in & even the inventor of this process says it shouldn't be used for this.

As they say my body my choice & at the moment the risk of getting COVID here is very low & the so-called Delta variant suggests it is the end of the line virus that spreads quickly but not deadly to most. Protect the old & infirm & let the World get back to normal. The leaders are having far too much fun with their new powers to let them go so easily though.
People are under the impression that little research etc has been invested in this vaccine but don't forget previous pandemics of this type of virus ( respiratory) have laid the groundwork for those that followed. Lots of the guidelines and information laid out previously have helped to a degree to "fast track" a treatment regime.
Viruses are clever and operate on the basis of mutation to survive. The Delta variant of the COVID 19 Virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) is the latest mutation that has developed due to the previous variant (Gamma) reaching its end of the line. Survival of the fittest is pretty much the way it a virus weakens it mutates into a better, stronger version of its previous self unless something can be done to check its viability. Delta is just the latest in line but probably not the last as there is a new sub variant Lambda now circulating. Delta is by far the worst being a lot more transmissible than previous strains.
It seems that the word vaccine is tossed around freely but it also comes with the addendum that it not a 100% cure. You can still get the virus but to lesser degree. Continued vaccine programs have basically eliminated things like Polio and TB but because not EVERYONE in the world has had the vaccine and there is no 100% effectiveness there is still very small percentages who are most likely to get those viruses. TB is like 2% worldwide and Polio 1%.
This is a pretty interesting article and even I can understand it.


Kennel Legend
Jun 25, 2010
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People are under the impression that little research etc has been invested in this vaccine but don't forget previous pandemics of this type of virus ( respiratory) have laid the groundwork for those that followed. Lots of the guidelines and information laid out previously have helped to a degree to "fast track" a treatment regime.
Viruses are clever and operate on the basis of mutation to survive. The Delta variant of the COVID 19 Virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) is the latest mutation that has developed due to the previous variant (Gamma) reaching its end of the line. Survival of the fittest is pretty much the way it a virus weakens it mutates into a better, stronger version of its previous self unless something can be done to check its viability. Delta is just the latest in line but probably not the last as there is a new sub variant Lambda now circulating. Delta is by far the worst being a lot more transmissible than previous strains.
It seems that the word vaccine is tossed around freely but it also comes with the addendum that it not a 100% cure. You can still get the virus but to lesser degree. Continued vaccine programs have basically eliminated things like Polio and TB but because not EVERYONE in the world has had the vaccine and there is no 100% effectiveness there is still very small percentages who are most likely to get those viruses. TB is like 2% worldwide and Polio 1%.
This is a pretty interesting article and even I can understand it.
"as a virus weakens it mutates into a better, stronger version of its previous self"

Virologists say that as a virus gets older it gets more infectious but far less deadly. It wants to survive therefore it no longer kills the host.

Another disturbing thing that has been reported by NBC & USA Today which was "new data suggests vaccinated individuals could have higher levels of virus & infect others amid the surge of cases driven by the delta variant of the Coronavirus."

So all this reporting that this is the virus of the unvaccinated appears to be a load of crap (more lies) & it is in fact the vaccinated causing the outbreaks.

The leadership all over the World no matter the politics are making a rod for their backs by not being open & honest & giving us the facts as they come to hand & let us decide individually how to deal with it.

As for how vaccines are tested, I think there are a lot of criminal in the big pharma industry with pals in politics who give them indemnity from prosecution & stop them from being sued. They like to test in places like Africa & India & to hell with the results. If Bill Gates ever goes back to India he will be strung up by his manhood for what he has done to their population. The whole industry needs reigning in.

HD and Ink

Kennel Established
Mar 22, 2021
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Cooper Cronk linked the Cheese aka B Smith to the Roosters
OK lets have it right. I can say 100% that B.Smith is already at the Chooks playing centre. Billy Smith has had some injuries but will be a decent player.....let's just leave it there. nice. I'm fcuken easily hurt.


Kennel Legend
Oct 28, 2013
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I got the vaccine and died (currently writing this from heaven)


Kennel Immortal
Apr 6, 2017
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I Have had two pfizer shots and my regular flue shot with zero side effects except my dick grew by eight inches so i am packing a solid nine now my wife has never been happier.....................................................I am continually staggered by the levels of stupidity on this forum.