Dogs and Seizures

Kempsey Dog

Kennel Immortal
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Apr 29, 2014
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Anyone had a dog that's been unfortunate enough to have these?
My little Ben had his first on around midnight Thursday. Today though he's had 4 the poor bugger with one being in the car directly after the vet visit so had to take him straight back in... They have done his blood work and thats all clear along with a valium injection and some other meds.
My biggest issue though is they can't tell me if it's neurological causation or toxicity from something he may have eaten... In kempsey and the whole Mid North coast there are no vets that have CT scan equipment so if have to take him to Newcastle... And with a 4 week old baby and no sleep I can't risk driving there as badly as I want too. I called the vets there and they told me it would cost upwards of 5k to get all the checks he'd likely need... The little dude has been a barking little pain in the arse but I love him and happy to pay whatever I have to but just stuck in a hard place ATM, likely going to ride the night out with him and see where we end up.. just crossing my fingers the medication works and he doesn't have another one


Left Right Out
2 x Gilded
Jun 4, 2008
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Yeah my dog used to get them too. He got run over and that did brain damage which triggered them. Was on Phenobarbitone for years to help control them. Never a nice thing to see when they have one though


Kennel Legend
Mar 10, 2007
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Anyone had a dog that's been unfortunate enough to have these?
My little Ben had his first on around midnight Thursday. Today though he's had 4 the poor bugger with one being in the car directly after the vet visit so had to take him straight back in... They have done his blood work and thats all clear along with a valium injection and some other meds.
My biggest issue though is they can't tell me if it's neurological causation or toxicity from something he may have eaten... In kempsey and the whole Mid North coast there are no vets that have CT scan equipment so if have to take him to Newcastle... And with a 4 week old baby and no sleep I can't risk driving there as badly as I want too. I called the vets there and they told me it would cost upwards of 5k to get all the checks he'd likely need... The little dude has been a barking little pain in the arse but I love him and happy to pay whatever I have to but just stuck in a hard place ATM, likely going to ride the night out with him and see where we end up.. just crossing my fingers the medication works and he doesn't have another one
One of the dogs I had as a kid used to have seizures on a semi regular basis. She still had a long and happy life. So I hope your little canine friend isn't suffering from anything serious and gets back to being his usual barking pain in the ass self before too long.

Kempsey Dog

Kennel Immortal
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Apr 29, 2014
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One of the dogs I had as a kid used to have seizures on a semi regular basis. She still had a long and happy life. So I hope your little canine friend isn't suffering from anything serious and gets back to being his usual barking pain in the ass self before too long.
Thanks mate, my bedroom is close to his outdoor area where he sleeps and I just woke up to him having another one. Got 4 hrs sleep in so I'll be good to get on the highway shortly and get him to Newcastle. Just hoping he doesn't have one or more whilst driving down.


Kennel Enthusiast
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Sep 12, 2016
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Yes - i had a beagle who developed seizures as she got older - was caused by a brain tumor unfortunately, although the early diagnosis was either that or epilepsy. After each seizure she was confused temporarily blind n so thirsty - very traumatic. After a few hours she would be back to normal until the next one.
Epilepsy can be treated with meds but sometimes there are side effects to deal with.
I love dogs - have two more pups atm.
Good thoughts to you both!


Kennel Enthusiast
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Thanks mate, my bedroom is close to his outdoor area where he sleeps and I just woke up to him having another one. Got 4 hrs sleep in so I'll be good to get on the highway shortly and get him to Newcastle. Just hoping he doesn't have one or more whilst driving down.
Good luck mate, hope it gets sorted out. Dogs are the best, they are just as much a part of the family as any human.


Kennel Immortal
Aug 1, 2012
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Yes, my aging Jack Russell has had them about 3 times a year for the past 5 years or so (that i've seen).

It's horrible to watch the first couple of times. His eyes glass over, and his limbs go what you would call "spastic" as they go stiff and he kind of falls over. After about a minute, he shakes himself and gets on with it, as if nothing happened.

Vet suggested he can have an MRI to find out the definite cause (this was backed up by a discussion with a friend's sister who just happens to be a world's leading authority on small dog illnesses), and he could go on daily medication, but at his age, and considering he doesn't appear to be adversely affected by the seizures, I've decided to not take it further. The most likely cause is epilepsy.

But I can't really advise you what to do - I wouldn't tell you to do nothing, and then i'd feel like shit if something happened, but dogs are pretty resilient creatures. My boy is about 12 and has no other health issues.

As an aside, on the toxicity front, I caught the dog playing with a cane toad once, and as a result of licking the toad, he was stoned AF for a few days. I was worried about him, but it was kinda funny to watch at the same time. Main thing is to keep them hydrated.

Good luck with it.
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Kempsey Dog

Kennel Immortal
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Apr 29, 2014
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Thanks for the info guys. I woke up this morning at 5:20am to him having a seizure again. Decided to get in the car and take him to Newcastle vets... On the way here he had another 2 episodes one at 8:30 and the next at 10am which sucked as I was only 10minutes away at raymond terrace.

Once I got him to the vets they hook him up to IV and administered phenobarbitone 3x dose to try prime him and stop the seizures... They said they will keep him over night to monitor other medications and try send me home. Issue is though I'm fucking pissed as they can't do an MRI on him here either... All I want to know is if my little buddy has a tumour on his brain so if I have to make a tough call, just don't want him to suffer. I just got a call at 1pm to be told he's had another one so that's 10 seizures in 2 days.


Kennel Enthusiast
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Sep 12, 2016
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Went through it last year, thoughts are with you.

Kempsey Dog

Kennel Immortal
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Apr 29, 2014
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Fuck that sounds awful. We all hope you can get it sorted it soon.
Bed time for me now, just called them and they have started stacking the next level of seizure drugs along with the phenobarbital and he still hasn't stopped having seizure activity... Legs twitching and other things... Doesn't look good ATM, next step later tonight or early hours is to sedate him with heavier drugs and give his brain a rest which is bad news because if he can't respond to the drugs when it's hooked to his vein I don't think he stands a chance taking orals...
So at 9:45 in the morning I'm booked to go back in and we will assess our options of an MRI or CT scan to hopefully get concrete evidence on the cause, however pending his seizure activity they may not be able to carry out those scans, so hoping he's settled by then... Be a long 2 days man, already hit the 3k mark on the bill and that should increase by a fair bit tomorrow, but he's worth it.

Kempsey Dog

Kennel Immortal
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Apr 29, 2014
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This is Benji. He's a little bit older now but always up to no good wanting to play. Sad seeing him in such a bad state when he's such a pure innocent little fella. FYI the ties aren't my idea that's on the wife lol

Kempsey Dog

Kennel Immortal
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Apr 29, 2014
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Well guys the fight has pretty much come to an end and perhaps fighting so hard for him has cost me my real last chance at saying goodbye. They still havent found out what's caused this despite CT scan, but he has blood in his spinal fluid, is oxygen dependant and they have to keep him sedated :(. I asked if they could bring him out of sedation pain free and they said thats highly unlikely... I said try make it happen pain free so 400 bucks for some transfusion and other shit that I can't remember from being distraught... So I can hopefully have him know that I'm there for him when he goes. Absolutely heartbroken... And to top it all off its me and my wife's 1st weeding anniversary today and I haven't seen her and were likely having to put him down tonight ... If he has to stay sedated and not in any pain I'm tempted to try make it to midnight... But with the fluid on his lungs and being oxygen dependant I don't think I have the option of waiting. Hopefully hear from the vets soon to get the verdict.


Left Right Out
2 x Gilded
Jun 4, 2008
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Well guys the fight has pretty much come to an end and perhaps fighting so hard for him has cost me my real last chance at saying goodbye. They still havent found out what's caused this despite CT scan, but he has blood in his spinal fluid, is oxygen dependant and they have to keep him sedated :(. I asked if they could bring him out of sedation pain free and they said thats highly unlikely... I said try make it happen pain free so 400 bucks for some transfusion and other shit that I can't remember from being distraught... So I can hopefully have him know that I'm there for him when he goes. Absolutely heartbroken... And to top it all off its me and my wife's 1st weeding anniversary today and I haven't seen her and were likely having to put him down tonight ... If he has to stay sedated and not in any pain I'm tempted to try make it to midnight... But with the fluid on his lungs and being oxygen dependant I don't think I have the option of waiting. Hopefully hear from the vets soon to get the verdict.
Sorry to hear that man... always tough losing a fog. They become such a big part of the family!! Thoughts are with you


Kennel Enthusiast
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Mar 9, 2019
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Well guys the fight has pretty much come to an end and perhaps fighting so hard for him has cost me my real last chance at saying goodbye. They still havent found out what's caused this despite CT scan, but he has blood in his spinal fluid, is oxygen dependant and they have to keep him sedated :(. I asked if they could bring him out of sedation pain free and they said thats highly unlikely... I said try make it happen pain free so 400 bucks for some transfusion and other shit that I can't remember from being distraught... So I can hopefully have him know that I'm there for him when he goes. Absolutely heartbroken... And to top it all off its me and my wife's 1st weeding anniversary today and I haven't seen her and were likely having to put him down tonight ... If he has to stay sedated and not in any pain I'm tempted to try make it to midnight... But with the fluid on his lungs and being oxygen dependant I don't think I have the option of waiting. Hopefully hear from the vets soon to get the verdict.
That's horrible news mate, was hoping for a better outcome for you and the little guy. Thoughts are with you, it is a tough time to go through.

Kempsey Dog

Kennel Immortal
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Apr 29, 2014
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That's horrible news mate, was hoping for a better outcome for you and the little guy. Thoughts are with you, it is a tough time to go through.
Thanks mate. Just picked him up now taking Kim home to Kempsey, let his big brother see him then bury him. I didn't even cry picking him up, cried enough already in just mentally and physically drained. Will probably hit me and get real once I see my wife and we have to take him out of his bag