How do you deal with noisy neighbours?


Pro Golf Hack
Feb 10, 2008
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Previously I was obviously blessed as I have a mostly vacant family only use holiday house on one side and the other house owned by a freinds best freind who also owns my house was vacant for 6 months.

The new tenant is just a fucking pest tbh. A single dad to a girl who is friends and in the same class as my 7 year old boy which makes it a more delicate situation than I care for. Owns motorbikes and a couple 4x4's he is always turning them on and off, music going all the time I can hear and feel the vibrations through my house. Has windows open, blinds drawn and lights on 24/7 it's like living next door to a shopping centre. I have my curtains closed and there is light filtering through all hours of night.
My wife has 2 online classes a week Monday night and Wednesday day and is doing a post graduate on Tuesdays which sometimes has an online class element, she works 3-4 12 hr nights a week, we have a 13 month old bub.

I have discussed with him several times about the vibration of the music and the inappropriate times and also solutions to move his speakers to the other side of the house where there is no neighbours and or shut the windows.
All good he has his music down several decibels lower but I still get the sub vibrating but then starts with the vehicles and 1 one of his bikes sounds like a day at Bathurst and the **** revs it to the limiter on occasion and blasts around the neighbourhood like it's a race track.

I can hear thumping of floor boards a couple times a month well past midnight where he lets his 8 year old daughter run up and down the halls, have heard her telling him to let her off the bike as they are coming up the driveway like she is obviously scared.
At my wits end, a few days ago while the bub was trying to stay asleep at 2 p.m and the wifey is in an online class he has his bike backed into the corner of a breezeway thats enclosed by colourbond and facing my house. So I grab a step ladder and peak over and he's right there, exhaust pointed at our mutual fence revving the fuck out of it. I bang on the fence and tell him it's enough bud, I have baby rolling around unable to stay asleep and my partner trying to complete a post grad.
I ask him if he's medicated or on the specstrum and ask how don't you fucking understand that this is a fucking echo chamber, he never says a word just has a big dopey grin on his face and nods his head. Has since hung a boxing bag in the breezeway as a warning or something? Lol.

How do I drum it into this dumb ***** head that I will 100% make sure his lease is not renewed unless he trades that stupid bike in for a Vespa and invests in some airpods


Kennel Legend
Oct 28, 2013
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Nosy neighbours is a difficult situation to manage, sounds like you have done your part. I would start recording (phone video and audio) when it occurs, even consider getting a decibel reader (you may be able to borrow from your local library)z Always need evidence to prove your case, so best to start now.

Continuously make complaints to the council as well. Get notices and letters also sent to the managing agent to pass on to the homeowner.

Depending on your state, some laws read simply as “disturbing the peace” and that can be via noise, smells, vibrations.


Kennel Legend
Oct 28, 2013
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It’s gone past the phase of playing nice and being patient so time to put some pressure on


Kennel Enthusiast
Nov 21, 2021
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1. Move to the country
2. Enjoy the serenity

Worst I had was recently when the moto riders in the area were riding most of the weekend. I’m not too bothered by it, just usually stops after a short time, so when it’s off and on throughout the weekend it gets annoying. Anyway I ride too (but haven’t been bothered to for ages) so can’t complain.

Other than that I only hear distant noises and the odd dog or farm animals nearby.

I know exactly the type of pest neighbour you’re talking about @belmore_utd . I had a few like that, where I moved from in western Sydney and you won’t get through to them. They’re mouth breathers. Revving their vehicles and pumping music is all they have in life. They’re the reason I moved, but the simple fact is, that in many suburban areas this is common, so I probably would have gotten sick of it despite where I lived. People live right on top of each other and even hearing loud conversations used to piss me off. Now I can hear my nearest neighbour hundreds of metres away talking lol. It doesn’t bother me though.

Eta: I don’t understand why these imbeciles have to rev their shit boxes for fun. I warm mine up and ride. I don’t think revving the crap out of it is the least interesting thing to do. I suspect most of them think they’re race mechanics or something.

Bob dog

Hectik defence
Premium Member
Feb 26, 2005
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Knock on the door.
You cant pick your neighbors but you can argue logic.
Your noise is in my yard.
Theres gotta be a bit of give and take as there is no such thing as 'perfect people; and yourself will annoy him.
If he is a prick tell him.


Kennel Enthusiast
Mar 19, 2016
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Previously I was obviously blessed as I have a mostly vacant family only use holiday house on one side and the other house owned by a freinds best freind who also owns my house was vacant for 6 months.

The new tenant is just a fucking pest tbh. A single dad to a girl who is friends and in the same class as my 7 year old boy which makes it a more delicate situation than I care for. Owns motorbikes and a couple 4x4's he is always turning them on and off, music going all the time I can hear and feel the vibrations through my house. Has windows open, blinds drawn and lights on 24/7 it's like living next door to a shopping centre. I have my curtains closed and there is light filtering through all hours of night.
My wife has 2 online classes a week Monday night and Wednesday day and is doing a post graduate on Tuesdays which sometimes has an online class element, she works 3-4 12 hr nights a week, we have a 13 month old bub.

I have discussed with him several times about the vibration of the music and the inappropriate times and also solutions to move his speakers to the other side of the house where there is no neighbours and or shut the windows.
All good he has his music down several decibels lower but I still get the sub vibrating but then starts with the vehicles and 1 one of his bikes sounds like a day at Bathurst and the **** revs it to the limiter on occasion and blasts around the neighbourhood like it's a race track.

I can hear thumping of floor boards a couple times a month well past midnight where he lets his 8 year old daughter run up and down the halls, have heard her telling him to let her off the bike as they are coming up the driveway like she is obviously scared.
At my wits end, a few days ago while the bub was trying to stay asleep at 2 p.m and the wifey is in an online class he has his bike backed into the corner of a breezeway thats enclosed by colourbond and facing my house. So I grab a step ladder and peak over and he's right there, exhaust pointed at our mutual fence revving the fuck out of it. I bang on the fence and tell him it's enough bud, I have baby rolling around unable to stay asleep and my partner trying to complete a post grad.
I ask him if he's medicated or on the specstrum and ask how don't you fucking understand that this is a fucking echo chamber, he never says a word just has a big dopey grin on his face and nods his head. Has since hung a boxing bag in the breezeway as a warning or something? Lol.

How do I drum it into this dumb ***** head that I will 100% make sure his lease is not renewed unless he trades that stupid bike in for a Vespa and invests in some airpods
Welcome to 2024 where people don't give a shite about other peoples lives especially neighbours as for your problem try mediation it sounds like this could work because this meeting is run by someone who is a professional and sometimes you need someone who has done this before, also your not going to get into verbals with your neighbour and you have to live next to each other so you don't want it going toxic, look up community justice centres I think this would work for your situation.


Pro Golf Hack
Feb 10, 2008
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Wrap a mannequin in a carpet, make sure he's watching when you take it out in the middle of the night and dump in the boot.
Thank you thank you! This is the type of left field solution I was looking for. Was thinking banana in the tailpipe but this is much much better. Except for the potential visit by tactical response group

Have no intentions of moving. It's a small coastal town where most new pesky neighbours are soon pulled into line or the word gets around quickly about people's inconsiderate behavior and are shamed and bantered into assimilating. But this fuckarse seems beyond that so fuckery it is


Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 12, 2008
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It's tough when you have kids not as bad when they are older. I would lose my shit when my kid woke up just after they slept fuck all time to yourself.


Kennel Legend
Mar 10, 2007
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Thank you thank you! This is the type of left field solution I was looking for. Was thinking banana in the tailpipe but this is much much better. Except for the potential visit by tactical response group

Have no intentions of moving. It's a small coastal town where most new pesky neighbours are soon pulled into line or the word gets around quickly about people's inconsiderate behavior and are shamed and bantered into assimilating. But this fuckarse seems beyond that so fuckery it is
I lived in units a long while back. Had these fuckwits that'd blare music 5 nights a week minimum after the pubs here closed when I was starting work at 5am. Wound up hitting the point where police visits worked for 5 minutes and they'd turn the music up again straight afterwards. So I decided if I was already up at 4am when they decided to sleep I was going to run my first Jehovah's witness campaign. I recruited another neighbour that was home after I went to work too.

I'd give them 15 minutes after the music went off then knock on their metal door frame with a hammer. *Bleary eyed drunk (BED) "no I have no sugar*

15 minutes later BED "no baking powder either".

15 minutes later BED "No I don't have any fucking milk!"

15 minutes later BED "what's my fucking problem buddy? Can't you let people fucking sleep"

Me. "I've tried asking you guys that question nicely for a few months. I'm already dog tired. If you need sleep then start at 2.30 when you get home.

*Off to work for me*
*Participating neighbour takes over the door knock*

We kept that up for three days and the **** finally found somewhere else to have after parties. Playing nice doesn't always work.

Maybe try arranging with a few neighbours to run midnight noise assaults and break their spirits.


The Forefather of The Kennel
Dec 6, 2007
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Step 1. Throw a few bungers over the fence.

Step 2. Light the bungers before throwing them over the fence.


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Start up the noisy Twin Turbo and let if idle with the odd blip to 9,000 rpm.

That lets them know that I can be far more noisy than they can possible even dream of.

Always a Bulldog
I was gonna recommend something similar.

This will be a few weeks project and may take a bit of your time and also be problematic for you and your family but the situation like this calls for tough measures.

Figure out at what time the inconsiderate bastard goes to bed. During that time play heavy metal music on loud speakers at full blast pointing towards his bedroom.

Do it for few days/weeks and that will send the message home.

You can send your family away during that time so their peace is not taken away.


Kennel Enthusiast
Nov 21, 2021
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Buy some prawns. Eat them. Keep shells and marinate in water for several days. Sieve water and use in water pistol. Spray anything you don’t want them using.


Kennel Enthusiast
May 19, 2014
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@Blue_boost will have your answer.
As the leading authority on the kennel with respect to renters and neighbour disputes, I have a duty to respond..

I completely understand your situation and work tirelessly to swing the balance back to landlords and respectful neighbour practises..

Please accept this advice

1. You can’t reason with a renter, they rent because they have made many poor choices, you just can’t upload a new firmware update and fix their mindset

2. Use your ace in the pack to really pump up and increase rents.. hit them where it hurts… then when you hear their noise or vibrations you smirk and know they are paying well above market through the nose for this conduct. Each time you are disturbed think of the next rent increase.

3. An old school landlord that has passed away many years taught me everything I know.. he used to attend his rental property every Saturday morning to inspect, if he didn’t like the height of the grass or where they parked their cars or if he saw a mess, he would absolutely tear strips off them, start moving their shit out on the street. If they were a day behind in rent he would start moving their shit out.. he really beat them up into submission, they wouldn’t dare squeak if he was around..he didn’t even use a real estate property manager, managed it his way and with his own laws..the renters knew he had a few spare sets of keys and they could receive a late night visit if something wasn’t right.. these days the laws favour the renters, they turn up to the tribunal with 5 kids begging and then act like arseholes every other time before and afterwords..

4. I can’t stress enough to increase the rent on them, well above market rates, have them really cop a gut punch when they have to pay up. You will soften them up and if they continue to make noise etc, increase the rent again until they crack and then like a gypsy move house… it’s a battle they can’t win

5. Many years back, I had a renter they didn’t wanna pay, things would go round in circles with the real estate.. he was a good 6-8 weeks behind.. I engaged “an old friend” to go knock on his door one Sunday. Night and show him how the world works.. Monday morning by spectacular coincidence it was all paid up to date, even the water usage. :grinning:
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Kennel Enthusiast
May 19, 2014
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I had a neighbour that kept parking his utes outside my house and everyone else’s.. kept the area outside his house clear..

So I borrowed a car and parked square outside his house. Left it there and i could see him scratching his head about it and he had the nerve to complain about it. I told him well nowhere else to park is there.. he started parking his utes back on his side


Kennel Enthusiast
May 19, 2014
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With Neighbours you need to project to them that your a complete psychopath.. your unhinged and they will avoid disturbing you.. if you bake them cookies and be nice all the time they extend the friendship with undue noise, park their cars all ove the place and have their pets shit on your lawn

Recently at a community breakfast I bumped into a neighbour that lived two doors up, she said she thought I was a hitman.
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